777 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126
United States
Our Loyalty Program Has Begun!
Here at Living Tree Community Foods we have created our loyalty program with exclusive rewards to say 'thank you' to our amazing customers.
Earn 3 Points for every $1 you spend online to earn coupons to save money on future online orders.
Our Rewards
1000 Points earns a $10 discount coupon that can be used on any online order with a subtotal over $10.* Save your points to increase your coupon value (ie 2000 points equals a $20 discount coupon).
*[Discount coupons apply to order subtotals only. Does not apply to taxes or shipping charges.]
How Do I Join the Living Tree Community Foods Rewards Program?
Simply create a Living Tree Community Foods customer account and opt in on your customer account dashboard.
How do I earn loyalty points?
Earn 3 points for every $1 you spend online*. Bonus Loyalty Points may be earned from select promotions. Every 1000 Points earns a $10 discount coupon for future online orders.
*[Loyalty points are not earned on any shipping charges or taxes. Order subtotal only.]
How do I check my loyalty points balance and redeem rewards?
Each time you shop online, you can check your customer account dashboard for your updated loyalty points balance. Your dashboard will also display directions on how to redeem.
How do I use my rewards?
When you've unlocked a $10 discount, you will receive a reward coupon. You can redeem your reward coupon on our payment page during checkout. Just place the coupon code into the "Coupon" field and click apply.
Terms and Conditions