Almond Milk Recipe - Raw Organic Almond Butter

Have you ever wanted to make your own raw almond milk? It's really easy and it's a much different experience than drinking store-bought almond milk. Try this easy almond butter recipe.

Why would you want to make your own almond milk? Because of the almond milk nutrition that making your own provides. You see, when you buy processed almond milk, you will lose a great deal of the nutritional properties and benefits that almond milk can give you. Making your own at home is easy and once you do it, you will likely never go back to buying almond milk at the store.

This is one of the best and easiest almond butter recipes. Get all of the almond milk nutrition you possibly can.

Here is a simple list of ingredients that you will need:
1. Alive and Organic raw almond butter (Living Tree is the best of course)
2. Mountain spring water

Want to see for yourself how easy it is to make your own almond milk at home? Watch this great almond butter recipe video on how to make almond milk.