Newsletter - February 20, 2024

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Video: Avocado, Almond, Banana Apple Cake with Cashew Icing

My dear brothers and sisters,

We are blessed with bountiful winter showers. The almond blossoms are dancing amidst the raindrops, the Central Valley is an ethereal cloud of white for mile upon mile - every raindrop and every blossom is a intimation that we will come through. To celebrate this time of hope and renewal, it is our pleasure to bring you an Avocado, Almond, Banana, Apple Cake with Cashew Icing.

Here are the ingredients. Please watch the video to put it all together.
The Filling:
Apples 4 to 6 cups grated in a food processor
Almond Milk 1cup -1tbsp Living Tree Almond Butter blended with 1 cup water
Living Tree Flame Raisins 1/2 cup
Living Tree Medjool Dates pitted 1 cup
Living Tree Ginger Powder 1 tbsp
Living Tree Cinnamon Powder 1 tbs
Place in pie dish, freeze

The Icing:
Almond Milk 1cup -1tbsp Living Tree Almond Butter blended with 1 cup water
Juice of one lemon
Living Tree Cashew Butter - 3cups
Living Tree Hawaiian Honey
Living Tree Vermont Maple Syrup
Living Tree Cinnamon Powder 1tbsp
Living Tree Vanilla Powder 1 tsp

The Topping:
Living Tree Coconut Flakes
Living Tree Sliced Almonds
Living Tree Persimmons Living Tree Mango Cheeks

Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Next, Jonathan Chu MD, a board-certified specialist, tells us  “Over the years, in general , the American people seem to be getting sicker….  Americans seem to be declining in vitality and energy even when compared to one or two decades prior…. The health and quality of life in America has clearly and steadily been worsening”.

He goes on to tell us that cardiac disease and high blood pressure have been rising, depression and anxiety have  been increasing and substance abuse is on the rise. The CDC estimates  over half of American adults live with some sort of chronic disease. The quality of US healthcare ranks between 30th and 37th in the world.
Dr. Chu then observes that, “Prevention is infinitely more valuable than treatments”  and outlines a program based upon nutrition, exercise, sleep and mindset.

Our Victory Garden Sale this month consists of Sunflower Butter, Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter and Bing cherries.
We’re delighted to offer 10% off. (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)

Our delight to bring to you the following new products : 
Pistachios, In Shell, Natural Splits
Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger
Dark Chocolate Covered Expresso Beans
Medjool Date Pieces

Then TEO Garden brings us a tuneful, delightful video showing how easy it is to grow bountiful crops of potatoes. Your Victory Garden this Spring has got to include potatoes! You can even grow them on your porch or patio.

We then invite you to enter our  contest by submitting  a recipe using our Living Tree Alive Organic Tahini. It could be for a salad dressing, for humus or for baba ganouch. Go ahead, make it into a video guiding us step by step.Add sparkle and delight with Mozart in the background.

Michael Greger MD follows with an outline of the health benefits of including walnuts in your diet.

Finally, FullyRawKristina shares with us a rainbow of delightful juices. These have played a part in her personal healing journey. Her enthusiasm bubbles with vitality. We feel privileged to share this magnificent video with you.

Please note our President’s Day sale ends at midnight tonight.

Kindly accept our best  wishes for good health, prosperity and success to you and family,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Our Special this week is $5 off our full line of filled chocolate bars!
We make chocolate from scratch and fill it with our Raw, Alive and Organic nut butters. Kids and adults alike will love them.
Regularly $10.99. Yours for $5.99.
Sale begins after the completion of our Presidents Day Sale.

Video: Why America Is So Unhealthy (& How To Fix It) | Documentary by 360 Pain Academy

February Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Sunflower Butter – Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Sunflower Seed Butter is created in Berkeley, California from organic sunflower seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing sunflower seeds into a luxurious spread, adding organic sesame seeds, organic black sesame oil, organic honey and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Spread it on apple slices as well as celery and carrot sticks. Try adding chopped raisins and dates too – what hor d’oevres you’ll make!

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic nuts and dark chocolate. Starting with almonds grown by California family farmers, we’ve added Oregon grown hazelnuts and our organic dark chocolate. The flavors of the butter are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and pink crystal salt. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.

Bing Cherries – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic Bing cherries are grown in the San Joaquin Valley California. A healthful package of antioxidants and phytonutrients!

One of the most popular cherries, this dark, sweet fruit offers highly desirable flavor characteristics. Naturally sweet, dried organic Bing cherries are lovely as a snack, in trail mixes, or as a compliment to many recipes.

Our Pleasure to Bring You Our Newest Offerings

Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic pistachio nuts are grown by family farmers in the fertile, alluvial soil of California’s wondrous Central Valley. These raw pistachios are a beautiful bouquet of colors!

These magnificent pistachios are grown by Joseph Byrne, a California family farmer. He tells us, "I have been raising organic pistachios for over 40 years, this is the most beautiful crop we've ever gotten”.

It is almost fun to open the split shells; ask your kids to do it. If you want, put the meats in a coffee grinder and sprinkle the resultant golden powder over everything you eat.

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered ginger is produced with premium crystallized cubes of Organic ginger. They are made with a slower "cold candying" technique that brings out the best properties in the ginger. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate. Produced in small batches. An ecstatic snack and a great addition to school lunches. Bring them along on all of your adventures.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered espresso beans are produced with Fair Trade espresso beans, roasted to perfection. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate and lightly dust them with Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic medjool date pieces are grown in the USA and and coated with coconut flour to lock in freshness. These date pieces possesses a sweet smell and flavor, free from musty, moldy, earthy, and other undesirable off-flavors. No anti-oxidants, sulfating agents, or artificial flavors are used.

Video: Growing Potatoes At Home Is A Lot Of Tubers And Easy For Beginners by TEO Garden

Sesame Tahini Recipe Contest

Sesame Tahini - Alive and Organic

Brothers and sisters,

It is our pleasure to invite you to submit a recipe using our Living Tree Alive Organic Tahini. It could be for a salad dressing, for humus or for baba ganouch.Go ahead, make it into a video guiding us step by step.Add sparkle and delight with Mozart, Bach, Beethoven or Chopin playing in the background.

We will award a gift certificate for $150 toward the purchase of our foods to each of the top three contenders.
Contest expires March 3rd.

Submit you videos here

Video: The Debate Is Over! This Is The Best Nut For You! by Plant Based Science London

Video: uicing for Beginners 🍉🌈 Best Juice Recipes for Health, Wellness, Immunity & Weightloss by FullyRawKristina