Newsletter - March 19, 2024

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Video: Plant your Victory Garden! Emulate the Greatest Generation!

My dear brothers and sisters,

We’ve come through! We’ve been waiting for this through the drear of winter. Its time to plant your Victory Garden. In this you’ll be emulating your forebears, The Greatest Generation. In 1944, 18.5 million gardeners took part in Victory Gardens, supplying 40% of the nation’s fresh vegetables.

We begin with some marvelous varieties of heirloom lettuce. First, there is Winter Density. Its from the UK and will grow most anywhere USA. Then, Grandpa Admire that has its roots deep in our ethos and Marvel of Four Seasons from France with its gorgeous red and yellow leaves. We go on to kale, the healthiest of salad greens and then to spinach and chard.  Please watch the video; your comments and suggestions are treasured.

Our Special
This week we’ve pleased to offer $6 off our Carob Powder - Organic! Regularly $18.99/16oz. Yours for $12.99.

More Spring Planting
Then the Millennial Gardener guides us in planting cucumbers, squash, zucchini and cantaloupe. He goes on to potatoes and then everyone’s favorite- tomatoes. Let’s agree- no tomato tastes as good as the one you’ve grown yourself!

We then present a brief video extolling our in shell Pistachios - the best we’ve seen.

New Products
We are delighted to call to your attention:           
Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic
Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger – Organic
Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic
Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

How to Transplant
In a few weeks our seedlings will have grown and its time to think about transplanting them out into the garden. Here the Millennial Gardener guides us step by step so that they will flourish into abundance.

Relieve Hip Pain
We conclude with Bob and Brad, the most popular physical therapists on the web. They guide us in five proven techniques to relieve  hip pain fast!

May we wish you and family a springtime of good health, prosperity and success,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Our Special this week is $6 off our Carob Powder - Organic!
A delicious chocolate alternative that can be used in a variety of drinks, dishes and desserts.
Regularly $18.99/16oz. Yours for $12.99.

Video: Garden Checklist: 25 Veggies You Can Plant In March RIGHT NOW! by The Millennial Gardener

Our Pleasure to Bring You Our Newest Offerings

Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic pistachio nuts are grown by family farmers in the fertile, alluvial soil of California’s wondrous Central Valley. These raw pistachios are a beautiful bouquet of colors!

These magnificent pistachios are grown by Joseph Byrne, a California family farmer. He tells us, "I have been raising organic pistachios for over 40 years, this is the most beautiful crop we've ever gotten”.

It is almost fun to open the split shells; ask your kids to do it. If you want, put the meats in a coffee grinder and sprinkle the resultant golden powder over everything you eat.

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered ginger is produced with premium crystallized cubes of Organic ginger. They are made with a slower "cold candying" technique that brings out the best properties in the ginger. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate. Produced in small batches. An ecstatic snack and a great addition to school lunches. Bring them along on all of your adventures.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered espresso beans are produced with Fair Trade espresso beans, roasted to perfection. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate and lightly dust them with Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic medjool date pieces are grown in the USA and and coated with coconut flour to lock in freshness. These date pieces possesses a sweet smell and flavor, free from musty, moldy, earthy, and other undesirable off-flavors. No anti-oxidants, sulfating agents, or artificial flavors are used.

Video: How To Transplant Seedlings So They Take Off Like A Rocket! by The Millennial Gardener

Video: 5 Specific Ways To Stop Extreme Hip Pain Fast! by Bob & Brad