Newsletter - March 5, 2024

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Video: Chocolate, Avocado, Pistachio, Almond Ice Cream Cake

My dear brothers and sisters,

Why not awaken springtime in your being with a Chocolate, Avocado, Pistachio, Almond Ice Cream Cake? It is so simple to prepare.

The ingredients are as follows:
1 cup spring water, 2 tbsp Living Tree Almond Butter. Blend into a thick Almond Milk
1 Avocado
2 Bananas
1/2 cup Living Tree Pistachio Meats
1 cup Living Tree Medjool Date Pieces
1 tbsp Living Tree Cocoa Powder 
1 tbsp Living Tree Hawaiian Honey
1 tbsp Living Tree Vermont Maple Syrup
Pinch of Living Tree Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt
Living Tree Coconut Flakes
Living Tree Sliced Almonds      
Please watch the video to see how it all comes together into a vibrantly alive, ice cream cake.

Our Special this week is $3 off our Cashew Butter 8oz - Alive & Organic! Created from raw, sun dried and organic cashews. Regularly $16.99. Yours for $13.99.

Ben, with Growveg, has been guiding us all winter long in preparing our gardens for Spring. Its time now to burst forth into planting! He begins with tomatoes, everyone's favorite and then goes on to leeks, onions, garlic, parsnips, radishes and collard greens. Collards, as you know, are close cousins of kale and cabbage.  He follows with a planting of potatoes. His enthusiasm is compelling, let’s all get growing.

Our new products include:
Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic
Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger – Organic
Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic
Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

Next there is an account of how an extraordinary woman, Valer Clark Austin, originally from New York City, transformed an almost barren landscape into a lush oasis restoring the watershed in the desert region of southern Arizona. This inspires us to ask, “Is there anything we can not accomplish by way of choosing life?”

Finally, Michael Behe, John Lennox and Stephen Meyer discuss the limitations of mechanistic science in explaining the creation. Let’s recall that the Darwinian mechanism of random mutation and natural selection in adaption applies only to living organisms; it has nothing to say about how life originated from nothing. Then there is the deeper question of where “nothing” came from. All around us there is evidence of an  extraordinary design- from the molecular biology of cells to spiraling galaxies. Then there is consciousness which we share with every ant, butterfly, eagle and dolphin. We are immersed in the profoundest of  mysteries.

May we wish you and family a springtime of good health, prosperity and success,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Our Special this week is $3 off our Cashew Butter 8oz - Alive & Organic!
Created from raw, sun dried and organic cashews to retain the quintessential cashew flavor.
Regularly $16.99. Yours for $13.99.

Video: You Must Sow These Seeds in March by GrowVeg

Our Pleasure to Bring You Our Newest Offerings

Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic pistachio nuts are grown by family farmers in the fertile, alluvial soil of California’s wondrous Central Valley. These raw pistachios are a beautiful bouquet of colors!

These magnificent pistachios are grown by Joseph Byrne, a California family farmer. He tells us, "I have been raising organic pistachios for over 40 years, this is the most beautiful crop we've ever gotten”.

It is almost fun to open the split shells; ask your kids to do it. If you want, put the meats in a coffee grinder and sprinkle the resultant golden powder over everything you eat.

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered ginger is produced with premium crystallized cubes of Organic ginger. They are made with a slower "cold candying" technique that brings out the best properties in the ginger. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate. Produced in small batches. An ecstatic snack and a great addition to school lunches. Bring them along on all of your adventures.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered espresso beans are produced with Fair Trade espresso beans, roasted to perfection. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate and lightly dust them with Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic medjool date pieces are grown in the USA and and coated with coconut flour to lock in freshness. These date pieces possesses a sweet smell and flavor, free from musty, moldy, earthy, and other undesirable off-flavors. No anti-oxidants, sulfating agents, or artificial flavors are used.

Video: How This Woman Turned Arizona's Desert into a Farmland Oasis by Leaf of Life

Video: Atheists Can't Explain DESIGN... BUT Science Is Discovering More Of It Everyday by Daily Dose of Wisdom

Video: STOP Back Pain Without Exercises: For Older Adults by Bob & Brad