Newsletter - May 7, 2024

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Video: A Portrait of Spring at Living Tree Community Foods

My dear brothers and sisters,

Our delight and pleasure to bring you a tone poem, a sonata  of Spring featuring  almond orchards in bloom, our family farmers and our products.

May we wish you and family a delightful springtime of good health, prosperity and success

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Our Special this week is $5 off our Black Cumin Seeds - Organic!

Regularly $22.99/16oz. Yours for $17.99.

Video: 10 Crops You Must Plant ASAP! by GrowVeg

Our Pleasure to Bring You Our Newest Offerings

Pistachios (In Shell) – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic pistachio nuts are grown by family farmers in the fertile, alluvial soil of California’s wondrous Central Valley. These raw pistachios are a beautiful bouquet of colors!

These magnificent pistachios are grown by Joseph Byrne, a California family farmer. He tells us, "I have been raising organic pistachios for over 40 years, this is the most beautiful crop we've ever gotten”.

It is almost fun to open the split shells; ask your kids to do it. If you want, put the meats in a coffee grinder and sprinkle the resultant golden powder over everything you eat.

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered ginger is produced with premium crystallized cubes of Organic ginger. They are made with a slower "cold candying" technique that brings out the best properties in the ginger. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate. Produced in small batches. An ecstatic snack and a great addition to school lunches. Bring them along on all of your adventures.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic chocolate covered espresso beans are produced with Fair Trade espresso beans, roasted to perfection. They are coated with Fair Trade organic dark chocolate and lightly dust them with Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder.

Dairy and Gluten Free.

Medjool Date Pieces - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic Medjool Date Pieces are grown in California. They are a magnificent sweeter. Use them in making alive ice cream, no bake cheesecake and no bake apple pie. Give them a try in chocolate mousse. You’ll be delighted! Coated with coconut flour to lock in freshness.

Let's Talk

Your queries, comments and suggestions are invaluable. We want to talk with you. We invite you to give us a call at 800 260 5534 weekdays 12noon-2pm Pacific time.

Bill Banning Lab-Grown Meat in Florida

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USA Today reports

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to “save our beef.” At a press conference in Wauchula, Florida, DeSantis signed a bill that would outlaw the manufacture and distribution of lab-grown meat in the state, a “threat” to Florida’s agriculture, he said.

“Take your fake lab-grown meat elsewhere. We’re not doing that in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said before he signed SB 1084, which he touts as the first-in-the-nation law to protect farmers and the “integrity of American agriculture.”

He also poked fun at The World Economic Forum, an international non-governmental organization in Switzerland, that has advocated for insects as an alternative edible protein source instead of animal protein.

Lab-grown meat is meat developed from animal stem cells. The first cultivated beef patty was created in 2013, and as of 2023, there were about 60 startups around the world working to produce lab-grown meat.

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