Dear brothers and sisters,
Allow us to share with you something of our journey in this our 42nd year. We began as a nursery devoted to propagating heirloom and historic fruit trees. It was founded by Jesse Schwartz, a former college teacher and John Kozak, a teacher and administrator with the Biodynamic Gardening and Farming Association of southern California. The trees we grew were planted backyards throughout the States.We closed the Nursery after a decade. Jesse went on to create a food company.
We have been manufacturing food ever since. The pillar of our business is the almond. It grows here to perfection.
We began making roasted almond butter. But the the raw food movement was burgeoning so we decided to develop raw almond butter. It has became the pillar of our business. We now offer a plethora of nut butters, oils and chocolates.
Family Farmers

At Living Tree Community we feel privileged to support family farmers and victory gardens. The family farm is being systematically wiped out of existence in America. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farms in the United States has fallen from about 6.8 million in 1935 to only about 2 million today. Family farms are being replaced by big agribusiness. It’s characterized by growing vegetables and fruits in windowless shipping containers in chemical soup.They call it “hydroponics”. Whereas family farmers are dedicated to building soil fertility. They are the true husbandmen of their soil, plants and animals. Their wholehearted integrity comes through in the vibrancy of their produce.
Thomas Jefferson’s words of over 200 years ago reverberate with us:-
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1785.
Victory Gardens

We are convinced that these times beseech us to bring back victory gardens.
“Why not emulate “the greatest generation"?” we ask. Go ahead and plant a victory garden as they did after Pearl Harbor.
By May 1943, there were 18 million victory gardens in the United States – 12 million in cities and 6 million on farms.
In that year these backyard gardens produced 40% of all vegetables consumed in the U.S.
Eleanor Roosevelt instituted a victory garden on the White House lawn.
Causes We Support

The Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is the only group working both in the field and in the policy arenas to stop the harassment and slaughter of America’s last wild buffalo.
Formalized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1997, we also protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming bison and other native wildlife, and stand with First Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo.
Our primary goal is to create permanent year-round protection for bison and the ecosystem they depend on—including respect for the migratory needs of this long-exploited and clearly endangered species.

Restore Hetch Hetchy
There was a valley parallel to Yosemite and about 20 miles to the north; it was averred to be just as beautiful. Yet it was damned and turned into a water basin or holding tank to supply the needs of San Francisco.This desecration remains with us, unrequited, to this day.
We feel sure, that one day, the dam will be removed and once more the waters will flow undisturbedly. “Restore Hetch Hetchy!” has been rallying cry for lovers of this land for over 90 years. It was John Muir’s last struggle. We believe that it’s restoration will be a turning point in the rebirth of this great land and renewal of its people.