Newsletter - April 19, 2022

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Video: Do- it- yourself Almond Milk with Blueberries, Strawberries, Peaches and Cherries

Dear brothers and sisters,

Why buy almond milk that’s been sitting on a store shelf since the Cenozoic? Dare to make it yourself! Just pour spring water into a blender, add a heaping tablespoon of alive, organic almond butter and blend. Voilà, you have almond milk! Its too easy!

But don't stop there - add blueberries, strawberries and raspberries and why not a chunk of well-ripened banana.

Give thanks and praise in choosing life.

Let us go forward.

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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‘Breaking the Age Code’ Review: Riding High Into the Sunset by By Richard Lea

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(WSJ) Jake Kasdan’s 2019 movie “Jumanji: The Next Level” opens with returning hero Spencer already at low ebb—he’s lonely at college, browbeaten at work and sharing his bedroom with Grandpa Eddie. But the thing that pushes him over the edge, driving him back into the dangerous alternate reality of the movie’s title, is the idea that life’s inevitable decline has already begun.

“Getting old sucks,” Eddie says, as he fiddles with the portable oxygen machine on his bedside table. “Don’t let anybody tell you any different.”

Social psychologist Becca Levy spends much of “Breaking the Age Code” doing exactly that, weaving together case studies and her own research to demonstrate that old age doesn’t have to suck at all. The expectation that aging means decay, Ms. Levy shows, is actually a major reason it so often does—our negative view of aging is literally killing us. Chipping away at this widespread and deeply ingrained conviction has a measurable effect on health after just 10 minutes.

The first part of the book is so full of flabbergasting results that they become almost monotonous. In 2002 Ms. Levy combined results from the Ohio Longitudinal Study on Aging and Retirement with data from the National Death Index to reveal that, on average, people with the most positive views of aging were outliving those with the most negative views by 7½ years—an extraordinary 10% of current life expectancy in the United States. In 2012 memory tests showed that positive age beliefs allowed people to outperform their peers with negative beliefs by 30%. The stereotype of failing memory is so strong in the West that occasional lapses are called “senior moments.” But in China, where attitudes to the elderly are much more positive than in the U.S., Ms. Levy says older people “can expect [their] memory to work basically as well as [their] grandchildren’s.” Experiments in the lab, across cultures, and following participants over many years give similar results for dementia, hearing and physical function.

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Recipe: Keto Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie

recipe image from remote site

A thick, creamy, and decadent Keto Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie with less than 6 grams of net carbs and ready in under 5 minutes.


  • cup Frozen Raspberries
  • 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 tablespoon Almond Butter or peanut butter
  • 1 ½ tablespoon Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons Erythritol or 8-10 stevia drops
  • 1 teaspoon Chia Seeds or hemp powder
  • cup Ice Cubes
  • ½ teaspoon Vanilla Extract


  • Add all the ingredients into a blender. The order doesn't matter.

  • Blend at high speed for 45 seconds to 1 minute, stop the blender and taste your smoothie.

  • Adjust the texture and sweetness if desired. If you like your smoothie sweeter, add extra erythritol or a few vanilla stevia drops. You can also add 2 or 3 extra ice cubes to thicken your smoothie.

  • Blend again until smooth and serve immediately.

Free Gifts When You Shop with Us!

Free Ground Shipping and Organic Gifts for Orders Over $100*

$150 - Free Shipping & 4oz Pack of Almonds

$250 - Free Shipping, 4oz Pack of Almonds & 4oz Pack of Cashews

$300 - Free Shipping, 4oz Pack of Almonds, 4oz Pack of Cashews & 4oz Pack of Walnuts

$400 - Free Shipping, 4oz Pack of Almonds, 4oz Pack of Cashews, 4oz Pack of Walnuts & 4oz Pack of Pistachios

April Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Black Sesame Tahini – Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Black Sesame Tahini is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw organic black sesame seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing raw black sesame seeds into a luxurious spread then adding organic black sesame oil. An excellent source of calcium.

Living Tree Community Foods organic Smyrna figs are a glorious white fig from Turkey. This is the fig you can’t stop eating. It is highly prized as the skin is more tender than most figs and the oil in its fertilized seeds give it extra flavor. A handful are a meal in itself.

Cranberries – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic cranberries are perfect for snacking or adding to salads. Sweetened with Organic Apple Juice.

Create your own trail mix with the bright red of cranberries, the green of pistachio meats and pumpkin seeds, the brown of almonds, the white of cashews, the grey of sunflower seeds and the brick red of goji berries. Perfect for any adventure.

New! Items For April

Living Tree Community Foods organic and fair trade French Roast Coffee is a blend of Central and South American coffees roasted dark to produce ebony black beans and a smoky aroma. It is slightly sweet with a clean aftertaste. Medium body. Dark roast.

Roasted in Berkeley, CA

Cane Sugar - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Cane Sugar is EcoSocial Certified, a fair trade program created by IBD, a 100% Brazilian certifier. This sugar is grown and processed through the award-winning Green Cane Project, thought to be the world’s largest Organic project, with over 14,500 hectares of land Certified Organic.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Refined Avocado Oil is low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated fats making it both healthy and multi-functional. Traditionally refined avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points of any cooking oil. This versatility combined with its neutral flavor and healthy fat profile makes it a popular option with chefs and home cooks.

Internship Opportunities at Living Tree Community Foods

Are you contemplating a career in the organic food industry? Why not begin with an internship?!  Work side by side with us in sales, marketing and social media. Get hands-on experience in producing nut butters, oils and chocolates. We will visit family farmers and go backpacking in the High Sierras.

For more information, write to us and send a resume to

Video: Dirt CHEAP Tricks for an Abundant Garden 💰💰💰by GrowVeg

Video: Kids That Get Stuck In A Channel Of Eating Fast Foods And The Results Are Devastating For Their Health by Michael Klaper, MD