Newsletter - August 29, 2023

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Video: Rejoice with a Fig, Peach & Avocado Smoothie!

Dear brothers and sisters,

At the height of the summer harvest the markets are replete with organic figs and peaches. It is sad that their prices are so high. Nevertheless let us rejoice and put them together in a delightful smoothie.

We start by making our own almond milk.It’s too easy! We blend in chia seeds for nutrition and to help with thickening.

We add to the blender some chopped figs, sliced peaches and an avocado for texture and flavor. We blend. Voila! A magnificent smoothie! Imagine starting your day with it.

This week’s special:Roasted Almond Butter is five dollars off.

We follow with another chapter  on the  road to dehumanization.Monica Dutcher and John-Michael Dumais tell us of the dangers inherit in artificial intelligence. Babies and young children are quite sensitive to life energy.There is no question but that babies respond to the auras of their parents. A hug is so more more than a hug, its an energetic interaction.Babies require it and thrive on it. This is something that no robot can provide. One can only speculate on the sort of person a baby raised by an AI baby-sitter will become.

This month’s Victory Garden Sale includes: – Zinc cantata, Selenium Sonata Butter, Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter and Sliced Almonds

We follow with an exploration of the effect of wireless technology on wildlife by Reynaud Loki.She tells us “Mammals, birds, insects, and even plants are likely being harmed by the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emanating from Wi-Fi, cell phone towers, broadcast transmitters, and power lines….” No doubt this is one factor in the sad and  tragic extinction of species that is occurring.

We conclude with Dr. Doug giving seniors  an effective exercise to stop leaning forward when they walk. Seniors can assert their pride and dignity with every step.

We trust our newsletter resonates with you. We appreciate your comments and suggestions.

May we wish you and family an alive, organic  summer of good health, prosperity and success,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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AI ‘Nanny Bots’ Promise Kids ‘Genuine Friendship’ — But Experts Warn of Harm to Cognitive, Social Development

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by Monica Dutcher & John-Michael Dumais

(Defender) Tech innovators have been warning for some time now about the downsides of artificial intelligence (AI), from the creation of deepfake videos to the loss of jobs to total human extinction.

But missing from most of these discussions is how AI directly affects children — even though the technology is already here, in kids’ playrooms and bedrooms.

Manufacturers already offer a wide selection of AI-enabled products for children, with the next generation of AI devices “likely to become electronic babysitters” — “AI nannies” or “nanny bots” — and used like television and video games to lighten caregiving duties.

The technology’s interface with kids raises important concerns about its effect on their emotional and neurological development and their privacy.

Dr. Michelle Perro, co-author of “What’s Making our Children Sick?” who spent 40 years in pediatric practice, told The Defender:

“Communication between parent and child is more than just a neural interplay. Immeasurable elements exist in addition to verbal communication — such as facial expressions, tonal variations and the oft-disregarded energetic exchanges that go on between humans that are impossible to capture by AI.

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September Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Zinc Cantata Selenium Sonata is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic nuts and seeds high in zinc and selenium. Featuring brazil nuts, a selenium rich nut; almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, a zinc rich food; sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The flavors of the nuts and seeds are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and a touch of organic maple sugar. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic nuts and dark chocolate. Starting with almonds grown by California family farmers, we’ve added Oregon grown hazelnuts and our organic dark chocolate. The flavors of the butter are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and pink crystal salt. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.

Sliced Almonds – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic sliced almonds are made from almonds grown by California family farmers. Imagine tossing alive, organic sliced almonds into your salad or as a topping on alive pies and desserts. How about sprinkling on alive soups and green drinks?

80% of the world’s almonds are grown in California’s Central Valley. It is bounded to the east by the towering Sierras and to the west by the coastal mountain range. Its rich, alluvial soil is wondrously fertile. This great plain is a sea of white in February, when the almonds blossom. The orchards are irrigated by water from melting snow high in the Sierras.

The Potential Impact of Wireless Technology on Wildlife by Reynard Loki

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(Wiki Observatory) There is growing evidence that our addiction to cell phones could be impacting brain functionality and be the cause of stress, anxiety, insomnia, and a lack of attention and focus.

According to scientific consensus and regulatory agencies, low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are considered to have minimal impact on human health. Nonetheless, a few researchers have presented preliminary evidence suggesting potential risks associated with long-term exposure, particularly concerning the nervous system and cognitive functions of the brain.

A 2017 report found that human beings are not the only living things to be affected by society’s increasing dependence on wireless technology. Mammals, birds, insects, and even plants are likely being harmed by the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emanating from Wi-Fi, cell phone towers, broadcast transmitters, and power lines, according to an analysis of 97 peer-reviewed studies conducted by EKLIPSE, a biodiversity and ecosystem project funded by the European Union.

Impact on Birds

The researchers said that “evidence is accumulating that mammals (e.g., bats and mice) have a magnetic sense” that is affected by radio-frequency-modulated electromagnetic fields (RF-EMR). Birds in particular may be highly susceptible. The researchers found that even weak magnetic fields in the radio frequency range can disrupt birds’ magnetoreception, their ability to use the Earth’s magnetic fields to orient themselves and find their way home.

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Video: Seniors: the best exercise to stop leaning forward when you walk by Dr. Doug