Newsletter - December 13, 2022

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Video: Crypto and the Tulip Mania

My dear brothers and sisters,

It happened. In 1634 it happened.  Dutch speculators caught a dose of irrational exuberance over tulip bulbs – then new to Europe.They bought and sold bulbs, pushing up prices, while people rushed in to the market after hearing about all the money being made.Over the course of four years in Holland, the price of tulips increased 200 times; at the peak of the bubble, a single bulb could sell for ten times a worker's annual wage.

Then, in just one month, the bubble burst, and the price dropped to nearly nothing.

It seems that tulip mania is here again. FTX a company based in the Bahamas was paying a yield on crypto currency.But crypto does not generate a yield.It is the fakest of fake money-just 1’s and 0’s in a computer memory. It’s worthless.  FTX managed to lose some $2 billion in a day. One would imagine that the  fund managers who threw other people’s money at the company would do a bit of due diligence, but then, it seems, they were intoxicated on quick gains.

Other examples of speculative exuberance  are the months leading up to October 1929, the Dotcom Bubble in the late 1990’s and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2008–2009.In all these cases tulip mania flourished whilst the fundamentals spelled crash.

But that’s not all.

Crypto mania is part of a much larger bubble created by the central bank in resorting to the printing press to make the financial markets flush with cash,( a mere palliative for fundamental structural weakness). 

When and how this bubble pops is difficult to predict, but one thing is clear: When it does, it will take a substantial chunk of the real economy with it. There might well  be a world wide financial meltdown bringing with it massive unemployment. The layoffs have already begun.Yet at the same time prices keep going up. This then is the prospect for 2023- inflation and depression.

On a happier note, Don Tipping, a family farmer in southern Oregon, shows us how he provides the water for his farm  through an ingenious system involving pond based ecosystems.

We follow with a recipe sure to brighten up these cold, wet winter days. Imagine! A coconut, butternut squash soup!

Then, Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at MIT, tells us of the insidious, cumulative toxic mechanism of glyphosate.

Finally, Bob and Brad, physical therapists, walk us through an important exercise for seniors to master.

We are putting on sale this week our Brazil Nut Butter. Regularly $24.99 we are taking $5 off so its $19.99. Sale ends Monday night December 19th.

It is an excellent source of selenium. We urge you to Google its health benefits.

In addition, roasted almond butter, sunflower butter and polenta are on sale this month.

May we wish you and family vibrant good health, prosperity and success.

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: THIS FARM CRACKED THE CODE #1: Water Wizard of Oregon by Andrew Millison

Recipe: Coconut Butternut Squash Soup

recipe image from remote site

LAY HO MA!! There's so much to be thankful for. One thing I am eternally grateful for is the ability to learn and create. I cannot imagine my life without the strength to cook and learn new recipes. It brings me incredible joy to be able to turn humble ingredients into something truly extraordinary and share it with others. Join me in this episode and learn how to make an easy vegan coconut butternut squash soup recipe right at home. Let's begin.

1 medium butternut squash
1/2 cup broccolini
1/2 cup cremini mushrooms
1 medium carrot
1 onion
3 large pieces garlic
3 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp pink salt
few sprigs of thyme
2 tbsp cane sugar
3 cups vegetable stock
2 cups water
1 400ml can coconut milk (about 1 1/2 cups)
1/4 cup dried shredded coconut

Special One Week Sale! - Brazil Nut Butter

Brazil Nut Butter - Raw, Alive and Organic

Regularly $24.99 - On Sale for $19.99 - Sale ends Monday night December 19th.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Brazil Nut Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw brazil nuts gathered by native people in the rain forests of Amazonia. We make it by slicing raw brazil nuts into a luxurious spread and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Brazil nuts are energy dense and highly nutritious. A great source of concentrated dietary selenium.

In our proprietary process, we make the brazil nut butter slowly, over several days. We slice the nuts and never grind. This preserves the flavors and properties of the raw brazil nuts. We make it frequently, in small batches, so it’s fresh and alive.

December Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Roasted Almond Butter - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Roasted Almond Butter is created in Berkeley, California from carefully roasted organic almonds. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. We do not add oil or preservatives. A great butter for those who enjoy the heightened flavor afforded by roasted almonds. A tremendous source of energy.

Sunflower Butter – Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Sunflower Seed Butter is created in Berkeley, California from organic sunflower seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing sunflower seeds into a luxurious spread, adding organic sesame seeds, organic black sesame oil, organic honey and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Spread it on apple slices as well as celery and carrot sticks. Try adding chopped raisins and dates too – what hor d’oevres you’ll make!

Polenta – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic polenta is a versatile form of ground corn that originated in Northern Italy.

In Italy, soft polenta is often a replacement for bread during a meal or instead of the pasta course, served with butter and cheese and possibly shaved truffles. Polenta is also served as a contorno (side dish) to regional dishes or eaten in cake form, layered with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and baked.

New! Items For December

Turmeric & Honey Butter – Alive & Organic

Back in stock! Living Tree Community Foods Organic Turmeric and Honey Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw sesame seeds, turmeric and honey. We have added raisins, coconut oil and spices to highlight the delightful flavor. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. We urge you to research what people are saying about the benefits of turmeric and honey.

Medjool Dates (California) – Sundried & Organic

We are delighted to bring you the new crop of Medjool Dates. These organic medjool dates are grown by a farming family in southern California. These are large and magnificent dates. You’ll be pleased with their quality. Pack them along when traveling or hiking. Great addition to school lunches. What a wonderful gift idea!

Back in stock after long absence! Living Tree Community Foods raw Absolut Honey squares are produced by family farmers in rural Pennsylvania. It is an elegant natural confection. For culinary adventurers who demand the ultimate in aliveness. This is a raw honeycomb just as the bees made it. What could be more alive?

Living Tree Community Foods Raw, Organic and Kosher California Greek Heritage Extra Virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. It is cold-pressed from Koroneiki olives, a Greek varietal. We invite you to rejoice in its hints of green banana and floral notes. A peppery finish to top it off and you have oil with unparalleled flavor for rich dishes, as well as being perfect for vinaigrette’s and marinades.

It has a high available biophenol content: 459 Mg/Kg (milligrams per kilogram). High phenolic content and excellent stability should provide long shelf life as well as beneficial health value.

Video: A Unique, Insidious, Cumulative Toxic Mechanism That Glyphosate Has by Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Video: Most Important Exercise For Seniors to Master by Bob & Brad