Newsletter - February 14, 2023

Nuts Nut Butters and Muesli Newsletter Header

Video: Fasting for Regeneration

Dear brothers and sisters,

What else is there to do, than proclaim a national fast? Imagine! A day of contrition, a day of healing, a day of just drinking water.

Yes, brothers and sisters,  just water. A day of rejuvenation and repair. A  day of  strengthening the immune system.

A day of losing weight. A day of getting to know one’s neighbors.  A day of rejoicing with colleagues and friends. A day of moms and kids, seniors and elders working together in a community garden.

Your forebears, the greatest generation, led us through in WW2.

You too will lead us through…. the cleansing and regeneration we so desperately need. You will reverse the cultural meltdown.

You have reached the point where you can do anything. If you will it, you can do it. You will redeem us, you will renew us. Together we will yet plant here a garden for the American spirit.

We follow with Ben with GrowVeg who gives us so many useful tips like growing nasturtiums among beans to attract pollinators and testing seeds that have passed the expiration date on the seed packet.

Then there is a recipe for no bake cookies with almond butter as an ingredient.

Macadamia butter is on sale this week. Regularly $20.99 now $17.99.

We have a magnificent video on ultra-processed foods. Given that 60% of the food that we eat is ultra-processed is it any wonder that we spend almost three times more on healthcare than any other country, but rank last in life expectancy among the 12 wealthiest industrialized countries.

Bob and Brad, the most popular physical therapists on the internet then lead us through five stretches to help relieve neck pain.

Your comments are invaluable. We want so much to hear from you.

Please accept our best wishes to you and family for vibrant good health, prosperity and success.

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: 10 Best Gardening Hacks for 2023 by GrowVeg

Recipe: Healthy No Bake Cookies

recipe image from remote site

Healthy no bake cookies made with half the amount of sugar in traditional no bake cookies and coconut oil instead of butter. Dairy-free, vegan and refined sugar free.



  • Add melted coconut oil and almond butter in a medium mixing bowl and stir until combined. Add coconut sugar, cocoa powder, almond milk, sea salt, vanilla.

  • If desired you can heat the almond butter cocoa mixture on the stovetop over medium low heat to fully dissolve the coconut sugar, about 5-6 minutes. Sometimes I do this and sometimes I don't. Depends on how much time I have.

  • Add oats to a large mixing bowl and top with almond butter cocoa mixture. Stir until well combined.

  • Add oats to a large mixing bowl and top with peanut butter cocoa mixture. Stir until well combined.

  • Using a small/medium cookie scoop, scoop the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use your hands to press the dough down a bit and form the cookies into a cookie shape.

  • Place baking sheet in fridge until cookies are set, then serve. Store any leftover cookies in an airtight container in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.


  • No oil version: I’ve also made this recipe with a mashed banana in place of the coconut oil. The cookies will turn out  a little bit more dry without the coconut oil, but still yummy.
  • Sugar: You can use granulated sugar instead of coconut sugar, but you will definitely want to heat the peanut butter cocoa mixture to dissolve the sugar.

Special One Week Sale! Macadamia Butter - Alive & Organic

Macadamia Butter Raw, Alive and Organic

Regularly $20.99 - On Sale for $17.99

Sale ends Monday night February 20th.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Macadamia Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw organic Hawaiian macadamia nuts. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. We invite you to taste the aliveness of this outstanding nut butter.

In our proprietary process, we make the macadamia butter slowly, over several days.  We slice the nuts and never grind.  This preserves the flavors and properties of the raw macadamia nut.  We make it frequently, in small batches, so it's always fresh and alive.

Packaged in a BPA-free Glass Jar.

February Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Roasted Almond Butter - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Roasted Almond Butter is created in Berkeley, California from carefully roasted organic almonds. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. We do not add oil or preservatives. A great butter for those who enjoy the heightened flavor afforded by roasted almonds. A tremendous source of energy.

Turmeric & Honey Butter – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Turmeric and Honey Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw sesame seeds, turmeric and honey. We have added raisins, coconut oil and spices to highlight the delightful flavor. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. We urge you to research what people are saying about the benefits of turmeric and honey.

Sesame Seeds (Black) – Unhulled Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic black sesame seeds are rich in manganese, copper, vitamin B1, vitamin E and calcium (3 times more than milk!). Unhulled, as natural as can be.

New! Items For February

Now Available in 250ml & 750ml Bottles!

Living Tree Community Foods Raw, Organic and Kosher California Greek Heritage Extra Virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. It is cold-pressed from Koroneiki olives, a Greek varietal. We invite you to rejoice in its hints of green banana and floral notes. A peppery finish to top it off and you have oil with unparalleled flavor for rich dishes, as well as being perfect for vinaigrette’s and marinades.

Medjool Dates (California) – Sundried & Organic

We are delighted to bring you the new crop of Medjool Dates. These organic medjool dates are grown by a farming family in southern California. These are large and magnificent dates. You’ll be pleased with their quality. Pack them along when traveling or hiking. Great addition to school lunches. What a wonderful gift idea!

Back in stock after long absence! Living Tree Community Foods raw Absolut Honey squares are produced by family farmers in rural Pennsylvania. It is an elegant natural confection. For culinary adventurers who demand the ultimate in aliveness. This is a raw honeycomb just as the bees made it. What could be more alive?

Video: How Corporations Are Ruining Your Health (Food Industry Documentary) by Real Stories

Video: The 5 Highest Rated Stretches For Neck Pain, Fast Relief! by Bob & Brad