Newsletter - January 2, 2024

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Video: Ultra Processed Man

My dear brothers and sisters,

We have reached a point without precedent: over 60% of the our caloric intake is from ultra processed foods. Is it any wonder then that nearly half of us are obese? That type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions? You can be sure that this extracts a tragic toll in disease and chronic illness. Even though it seems that epidemic after epidemic is in the offing, how is it that little or nothing is done about prevention?  Who is talking about a fundamental change in the American diet?

Imagine a world wherein everyone has the chance to grow a part of the food  they eat. Instead of consumer here, farmer-specialist there, we have everyone a family  farmer! Everyone, a Victory Gardener! Everyone, a community gardener! 
Enough of this isolation  and  distancing.
Enough of the tsunami of  loneliness!
Enough of the nation of strangers!

Is it not time for us to return to our roots?! 
Enough of ultra processed foods!
Please watch the video and subscribe!
Your constructive comments and suggestions are so welcome!

Our Special this week is Nutritional Yeast, regularly $15.99 now $12.99. Sprinkle over salads, pasta and casseroles. It adds richness and depth of flavor.                                                 

Next we are privileged to present a magnificent video by Ben with Growveg. Ben guides us in sowing magnificent veggies. He starts with early season carrots and then  warm season "superstars" including peppers, eggplant and strawberries.                                                                  Yes! Follow Ben in giving  your Victory Garden a head start out of the depths of winter!

Our January Victory Garden Sale includes Pumpkin Seed Butter, Coconut Butter and Red Lentils.
We’re pleased to offer 10% off.  (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% discount!)

Our Black Sesame Tahini is now in a 16 ounce jar.

Mike Hansen MD then presents  “Intermittent Fasting’s Darkest Secret” a  fascinating discussion of what occurs when you refrain from eating. (At Living Tree we have always considered fasting the royal road to health.)

Finally, Ed Deboo,Physical Therapist and Elizabeth, guide us in five exercises for our glorious elders. We recommend a daily exercise routine to help with balance, posture and coordination.

Please accept our vibrant, good wishes for good health, prosperity and success to you and family,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: You Must Sow These Seeds in January by GrowVeg

January Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Pumpkin Seed Butter – Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw organic pumpkin seeds grown by American family farmers. We make it by slicing raw pumpkin seeds into a luxurious spread, adding organic pumpkin seed oil and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Very nourishing and energizing. A balanced source of good protein. Try it on fruit slices and on flax crackers.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Coconut Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw coconuts. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. Try it on fruit slices. Goes so well with sliced dates, figs and raisins. Savor its fragrance and rich texture.

Red Lentils (Decorticated) – Organic

Living Tree Community Foods organic red lentils were developed by American plant scientists to cook quickly; they have had their seed coats removed. Combine with traditional Indian spices for a satisfying vegetarian meal. Or enjoy as a side dish with roasted meats or veggies. If not overcooked, these legumes hold their shape and are tasty in soups and purees.

Our Pleasure to Bring You Our Newest Offering

Black Sesame Tahini – Alive and Organic

Now available in 16oz!

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Black Sesame Tahini is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw organic black sesame seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing raw black sesame seeds into a luxurious spread then adding organic black sesame oil. An excellent source of calcium.

Video: Intermittent Fasting’s Darkest Secret by Doctor Mike Hansen

Video: Over 60 ? Do these 5 exercises DAILY Before it's too LATE by Front Row with Ed & Elizabeth