Video: Plant a Victory Garden “Singing So Proud to be Alive“
Dear brothers and sisters,
We call this video “Plant a victory garden “singing so proud to be alive “. The words "singing so proud to be alive “ come from Carl Sandberg's poem “Chicago".
It seems to us that Victory Gardens are no longer an option, they are a necessity. The headlines warning of food shortages tell us that. The soaring prices of organic fruits and vegetables tell us that.We can no longer be dependent upon farmer specialists, we've got to grow it ourselves. After all, there’s the example of our forbears who planted 18 million Victory Gardens during WW2. In 1943 they produced 40% of the vegetables that they consumed.
It begins in your kitchen with a bucket for food scrapes-banana peels, apple cores, carrot tops, melon rinds, egg shells and so forth. The bucket is to be emptied into a bin in your backyard: A layer of food scrapes, a layer of manure, a layer of garden soil…..a layer of food scrapes, a layer of manure, a layer of garden soil. After a few weeks your kitchen garbage will become sweet smelling humus. The compost pile is the digestive organ of your garden.
If you live in an apartment, take your compost to your local community garden. They would be most appreciative.
Now is the time to plant your Victory Garden for winter. Make it replete with vibrant living greens. Plant lettuce, kale and mustard greens, of course and also Swiss chard, spinach and parsley. Start your garden now and you’ll have living greens through autumn and in some locales through the winter months as well.
Brothers and sisters, there is no question but that we’ve got to grow it ourselves.Its a survival skill. As we see it, Victory Gardens are the first step on the long road back - from renewal, to regeneration to redemption of this American earth.
Please consider entering our contest for a walking tour of your Victory Garden.
Kindly accept our best wishes for good health, prosperity and success to you and your family,
Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods
Video: Seeds to Plant in July for a Fall Harvest by Growfully by Jenna
High Summer Victory Garden Contest

We invite you to show us around your Victory Garden. Go ahead and create a video walking tour. Take us along those beds of lettuce and tomatoes, parsley and celery.Why not have Mozart or Dvorak in the background? Tell us something of your self, your joys and challenges. We offer gift certificates of $180 for the most bodacious entries.
Send a link to your video here
Contest ends August 12th
Recipe: Low-Carb Strawberry Lime Cheesecake (Vegan, Paleo)
by: Pretty Pies

Light and creamy lime and strawberry "cheesecake"! You'd never know it's secretly healthy and has no sugar!!
- 1 1/2 cups nuts - walnuts & almonds
- 2 Tbs coconut oil
- Pinch of pink salt
- 2 1/4 cups raw cashews - soaked
- 1/2 cup non-dairy milk - (I used canned coconut milk)
- 1 cup shredded zucchini
- 1/3 cup lime juice
- 1/2 cup coconut oil - melted
- heaping 1/8 tsp pure stevia powder - (or 1/2 cup maple syrup instead of milk & stevia)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Dash of pink salt
July Victory Garden Sale
10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Living Tree Community Foods Organic Hemp Heart Butter is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic seeds and oil. Starting with hemp seeds, we’ve added sesame seeds and black sesame oil. The flavors of the seeds are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and pink crystal salt. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.
20% Off!
Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic are larger and softer than the more usual dark brown flax seed. They have a mild nutty flavor that enhances food or drink. These beautiful seeds are so nutritious. Grind in your seed mill or coffee grinder and sprinkle on everything you eat.
20% Off!
Living Tree Community Foods Organic Golden Flax Seed Flour is American grown and high in Fiber, but low in Carbs. A great addition to your baking projects, smoothies or granola.
One of the most extraordinary benefits of flax seeds is that they contain high levels of mucilage gum content. Mucilage is a gel-forming fiber that is water soluble and has incredible benefits on the intestinal tract. The mucilage can keep food in the stomach from emptying too quickly into the small intestine which can increase nutrient absorption.
New! Items For July
Living Tree Community Foods organic blanched almond flour is produced from raw and alive nonpareil almonds grown by the Koretoff family, California family farmers of five generations. Rejoice in its moist, oily aliveness. What wonderful alive cookies and cakes you will make! Combine with honey, chopped dates and raisins for an alive pie shell. You’ll think of many other creative uses!
Living Tree Community Foods organic and fair trade French Roast Coffee is a blend of Central and South American coffees roasted dark to produce ebony black beans and a smoky aroma. It is slightly sweet with a clean aftertaste. Medium body. Dark roast.
Roasted in Berkeley, CA
Living Tree Community Foods Organic Refined Avocado Oil is low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated fats making it both healthy and multi-functional. Traditionally refined avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points of any cooking oil. This versatility combined with its neutral flavor and healthy fat profile makes it a popular option with chefs and home cooks.
Internship Opportunities at Living Tree Community Foods
Are you contemplating a career in the organic food industry? Why not begin with an internship?! Work side by side with us in sales, marketing and social media. Get hands-on experience in producing nut butters, oils and chocolates. We will visit family farmers and go backpacking in the High Sierras.
For more information, write to us and send a resume to jesse@livingtreecommunity.com
Video: 5 Must-Grow Perennial Vegetables: Harvest Year After Year... 👩🌾 🧑🌾 by GrowVeg
Video: What my Permaculture Food Forest looks like after 2 years by Goldifarms
Previous Newsletters
July 12, 2022 - Video: High Summer Avocado, Walnut & Tomato Drink
July 5, 2022 - Video: Cabbage Soup Juice - Alive and Organic, Of Course!
June 28, 2022 - Video: A Drink for These Times
June 21, 2022 - Video: We Prepare Gazpacho (A Traditional Soup) - Alive and Organic, Of Course!
June 14, 2022 - Video: A No-Bake Chocolate Cake Topped with the Highest Inflation in Four Decades
June 7, 2022 - Video: Almond, Apricot, & Peach Smoothie with Wheatgrass
May 31, 2022 - Video: Reverberate with an Avocado Chocolate Smoothie
May 24, 2022 - Video: Mango, Peach and Chia Seed Pudding
May 17, 2022 - Video: A Green Drink for the American Spirit
May 10, 2022 - Video: Five Days of Redemption
May 3, 2022 - Video: Join us for Coconut Chia Seed Pudding - Alive and Organic
April 26, 2022 - Video: Seeds of Renewal and Regeneration - A Victory Garden for the American Spirit
April 19, 2022 - Video: Do- it- yourself Almond Milk with Blueberries, Strawberries, Peaches and Cherries
April 12, 2022 - Video: The Loneliness of the Live Food Eater
April 5, 2022 - Video: The Necessity of Victory Gardens
March 29, 2022 - Video: Still NO fossils?
March 22, 2022 - Video: Wheatgrass in Your Kitchen Parsley, Lettuce and Kale in Your Backyard
March 15, 2022 - Video: Apropos Inflation and the Greatest Generation
March 8, 2022 - Video: Spring Awakening
March 1, 2022 - Video: America! The Almonds are Blossoming
February 22, 2022 - Video: Hug the Earth and Plan Your Victory Garden
February 15, 2022 - Video: Genetically Modified Environments: A Discussion
February 8, 2022 - Video: Out of the Depths, We Plant Tomatoes!
February 1, 2022 - Video: A Green Drink for the American Spirit
January 25, 2022 - Video: From the Winter of Our Discontent, A Garden for Early Spring
January 18, 2022 - Video: The Arrival of the Fittest - Some reflections on Alfred Russell Wallace
January 11, 2022 - Video: Some Reflections on the Greatest Generation
January 4, 2022 - Video: Let's Get Back to Our Vital Roots
December 28, 2021 - Video: Two Brilliant Inquirers on the Dangers of Glyphosate
December 21, 2021 - Video: Amidst the Winter's Drear, the Almond Trees are Rejoicing!
December 14, 2021 - Video: Inflation - Highest in 39 Years; Plant a Victory Garden
December 7, 2021 - Video: Glyphosate Is An Insidious And Cumulative "Slow Kill"
November 30, 2021 - Video: Drink Wheatgrass - Now!
November 23, 2021 - Video: An Edible Schoolyard for the American Spirit
November 16, 2021 - Video: Metaverse Man vs. Jeffersonian American
November 9, 2021 - Doing What We Can To Minimize The Risk Of Lifestyle-Induced Disease During Childhood
November 2, 2021 - Video: Something is Happening, and You Don't Know What it is, Do You, Mister Darwin?
October 26, 2021 - Video: Eating And Cooking To Avoid Heart Disease And Cancer
October 19, 2021 - Video: Printing Press Money and the Cost of Tomatoes
October 14, 2021 - Video:The Momentous Encounter: Columbus Meets the Indigenous
October 10, 2021 - Video: A Talk with Judith Redmond, A Magnificent Family Farmer
October 3, 2021 - Safeguard the global microbiome from GMOs 2.0 - Authors: Jeffrey Smith | Stephanie Seneff
September 19, 2021 - Video: The Incredible "10% Rule" That Every Gardener Should Use by Huw Richards
September 9, 2021 - Video: America! It's Raining Almonds!
September 1, 2021 - Video: On Labor Day We Honor "The Greatest Generation”
August 25, 2021 - Video: A Victory Garden Now for an Abundant Early Spring
August 18, 2021 - Video: The Road to Zimbabwe
August 11, 2021 - Video: A Garden for the American Spirit
August 4, 2021 - Video: Darwin and the Birth of “The Science”
July 28, 2021 - Video: Say Yes! To Vivacity with a Midsummer Green Drink
July 21, 2021 - Video: Your Victory Garden for Autumn - Let's Get Growing!
July 14, 2021 - Video: Hetch Hetchy - Yosemite’s Lost Valley
July 7, 2021 - Video: The Road to Xanadu - Chicken Nuggets and Fiat Money
June 30, 2021 - Video: On Board the Red Oak Victory Ship
June 23, 2021 - Video: Wheatgrass in Your Kitchen; Parsley, Lettuce and Kale in Your Backyard
June 16, 2021 - Video: Plants You Can Eat To Fight Disease And How Best To Protect The Environment
June 9, 2021 - Video: The Computer Will See You Now: Is Your Therapy Session About to Be Automated? A Review
June 2, 2021 - Video: Your Innate Immune System: A Tone Poem
May 26, 2021 - Video: Hyperinflation Cometh: Plant Your Victory Garden
May 20, 2021 - Video: The Best Diet For You To Avoid Alzheimer's Disease By Pam Popper
May 12, 2021 - Video: Hydroponics in the Mirror of Aliveness
May 5, 2021 - Video: An Interview with Olivia and Darro Grieco - Masters of the Berkeley Olive Grove
April 28, 2021 - Video: This Spring a Victory Garden!
April 21, 2021 - Video: Inflation - Alive and Organic
April 14, 2021 - Video: A Green Drink with Exotic Wild Plants
April 7, 2021 - Video: The Great Reforestation
March 31, 2021 - Video: The Best Way To Consume Your Food Without Losing Healthy Nutrients By Joel Fuhrman M.D.
March 24, 2021 - Video: Charles Darwin and "The Science"
March 17, 2021 - Video: The Necessity of Victory Gardens
March 10, 2021 - Video: Meet the Man Who Grows Your Almonds
March 3, 2021 - Video: Chickweed, Almond Blossoms and Renewal
February 24, 2021 - America! The Almonds are Blossoming! 3 Day Sale - Starts Sunday 2/28
February 17, 2021 - Introducing The Organic Walnut Butter Chocolate Bar
February 10, 2021 - Video: The Frightening Rise Of Species Extinction And The Insanity Of Manmade Toxins Impacting Us All By Anna Maria Clement
February 3, 2021 - Video: 1929 Reasons to Plant a Victory Garden
January 27, 2021 - Video: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Vitally, Alive American
January 20, 2021 - Video: The Foods Most Protective Against Cancer - By NY Times Best Selling Author Joel Fuhrman M.D.
January 13, 2021 - Video: Plant Your Victory Garden! For Renewal and Regeneration
January 6, 2021 - Video: What We Can Learn From the Pandemic
December 30, 2020 - Avocado Humus - A Creamy, Rich Delight
December 23, 2020 - Do the 4 Step: A Dance of Aliveness
December 16, 2020 - Video: Toward Vibrant Good Health with Vigorous Exercise and Victory Gardens
December 9, 2020 - Video: Rejoice in Good Health
December 2, 2020 - Video: The Earth-Threatening GMO Crisis You Never Heard About by Jeffrey M. Smith
November 25, 2020 - Video: A Thanksgiving of Hope and Renewal
November 18, 2020 - Video: The Great Experiment: GMOs and Your Genetic Heritage
November 11, 2020 - Video: All the Lonely People: A Cry From the Depths of the American Soul
November 4, 2020 - Video: Here Comes 1929 - Plant Your Victory Garden
October 28, 2020 - Video: Do- it- Yourself Almond Milk - It's Too Easy!
October 21, 2020 - Video: A Garden for the American Spirit
October 14, 2020 - Video: From Stretchy Pants To Menopause - Women's Health Tips by Anna Maria Clement
October 7, 2020 - Video: From Live Food to Redemption; A Celebration
September 30, 2020 - Video: Win The War On Cancer By Author Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
September 23, 2020 - Video: On Becoming More Vibrantly Alive - Six Gateways
September 16, 2020 - Video: Enlivening Ourselves - A Green Energy Drink for These Times
September 9, 2020 - We've Launched
September 2, 2020 - Video: Food Addiction & Emotional Overeating by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
August 26, 2020 - Video: The Economy, Alive & Organic – Some Reflection on the Coming Crisis