Newsletter - March 21, 2023

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Video: Apropos 1929 - Plant a Victory Garden Now!

Dear brothers and sisters,

The headlines blare - Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank and Credit Swisse. Apparently a chain reaction is occurring. Many see this as a prelude to a crisis that will exceed in severity that of 2007-2008. All this was preceded for weeks by a drum roll of  job layoffs in the thousands in the high tech sector.

Surely you’ll agree that our feature this week on the Great Depression seems rather cogent.  It began ostensibly with a stock market crash on October 29, 1929. By 1933, 13 million Americans were without  jobs, the unemployment rate was 25% and more than 1/3 of the banks went out of business .The financial crisis was global in extent and full recovery did not occur until the end of the decade.

We say, time to plant your Victory Garden!

First Ben, our favorite gardener, guides us exuberantly as he  sows seeds with love, care and devotion. Starting a Spring garden is indeed a high point for every gardener- so let’s get sowing!

Then Doug and Stacy, who grow 90% of the food they eat, tell us about the challenges facing backyard gardeners in today's world.

We conclude with  Melissa showing  us how to plant a fruit tree. She guides us step by step into abundance. Why only one? Dare to plant an orchard.

Then there is a video featuring a healthy bread using  almond flour and coconut flour as the main ingredients.

Alive, organic cashew butter from raw, sun-dried cashews is on sale this week. Regularly $15.99 now  $12.99.

Our March Victory Garden sale includes sunflower butter and California short grain brown rice.

May we wish you and family a vibrant Spring of good health, prosperity and success,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: The Complete Guide To Sowing Seeds by GrowVeg

Recipe: The Healthiest Bread in the World!

recipe image from remote site

Wanting to eat the healthiest bread but don't know where to buy it or how to make it? Try this healthy bread recipe that's not only nutritious, but also keto-friendly! 


Dry Ingredients:

Wet Ingredients:

  • 1 ¼ cup filtered water
  • 2 tsp maple syrup (This is consumed by the yeast, which lowers the glycemic index.)
  • 1 egg

Special One Week Sale! $3 Off Cashew Butter - Alive & Organic

Cashew Butter 8oz - Alive and Organic

Regularly $15.99. Yours for $12.99!

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Cashew Butter is created in Berkeley, California from raw, sun dried and  organic cashews. We make it slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. Created to retain the quintessential cashew flavor. Try it on apple slices, celery sticks or a wedge of persimmon.

In our proprietary process, we make the raw cashew butter slowly, over several days. We slice the cashews and never grind. This preserves the flavors and properties of the cashews. We make it frequently, in small batches, so it’s fresh and alive.

Packaged in a BPA-free Glass Jar.

March Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Sunflower Butter – Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Sunflower Seed Butter is created in Berkeley, California from organic sunflower seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing sunflower seeds into a luxurious spread, adding organic sesame seeds, organic black sesame oil, organic honey and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Spread it on apple slices as well as celery and carrot sticks. Try adding chopped raisins and dates too – what hor d’oevres you’ll make!

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic short grain brown rice is grown in California and provides a multitude of health benefits not found in white rice. A whole grain with delicious flavor.

This flavorful rice is grown by the Polit family. They established their farm in 1983. In addition to rice, they grow olives. They mill the olives on the farm into a delicious olive oil. We call it California Family Olive Oil. Imagine sitting down to dinner featuring rice and olive oil created by the same California farming family. Alive and organic of course!

New! Items For March

Now Available in 250ml & 750ml Bottles!

Living Tree Community Foods Raw, Organic and Kosher California Greek Heritage Extra Virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. It is cold-pressed from Koroneiki olives, a Greek varietal. We invite you to rejoice in its hints of green banana and floral notes. A peppery finish to top it off and you have oil with unparalleled flavor for rich dishes, as well as being perfect for vinaigrette’s and marinades.

Medjool Dates (California) – Sundried & Organic

We are delighted to bring you the new crop of Medjool Dates. These organic medjool dates are grown by a farming family in southern California. These are large and magnificent dates. You’ll be pleased with their quality. Pack them along when traveling or hiking. Great addition to school lunches. What a wonderful gift idea!

Back in stock after long absence! Living Tree Community Foods raw Absolut Honey squares are produced by family farmers in rural Pennsylvania. It is an elegant natural confection. For culinary adventurers who demand the ultimate in aliveness. This is a raw honeycomb just as the bees made it. What could be more alive?

Video: What Happened to Victory Gardens? Now OUTLAWED.. by OFF GRID with Doug and Stacy

Video: How to Plant Fruit Trees for MAXIMUM Growth and Harvest by Melissa K. Norris