Newsletter - October 19, 2022

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Video: America, Turn Your Banana Peels Into Gold!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Our pleasure to bring you our newsletter.We begin by inviting you to rejoice in the simplicity of making your own almond milk. So much more alive than what’s been sitting on a store shelf since the dawn of the Cenozoic!

Then Ben with Growveg bubbles over with excitement over some garden veggies that will provide food year after year; he includes a magnificent fern, a perennial kale and horseradish.

This is followed by a delightful recipe: Almond Butter Peach Blueberry Oatmeal Cups by Monique with Ambitious Kitchen.

Then a vivacious young woman with Pure Living for Life walks us through the alchemy of turning  your carrot tops, banana peels, apple cores and melon rinds into gold. What could be more organic?!  America, get composting-now!

On sale this month are Walnut Butter, Black Sesame Tahini and Black Tibetan Barley. Alive and organic, of course.

Our  newest  introduction, Greek Heritage Olive Oil is made from Koroneiki olives grown by a wonderful farming family here in California. It is high in polyphenols; we invite you to research their health benefits.

Please accept our best wishes for good health, prosperity and success to you and your family,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: 7 Easy Perennial Vegetables To Grow: Harvest Year After Year... by GrowVeg

Back to School with Our Compliments

We are pleased to offer a special package for the budding scholar in your family:-

John Muir Tail Mix - Almond Butter 8oz - Jumbo Flame Raisins - Halawi Dates

A $49.96 value. Yours for $44.96

Recipe: Almond Butter Peach Blueberry Oatmeal Cups

recipe image from remote site

Delicious and easy almond butter peach blueberry oatmeal cups bursting with fresh, summer fruit flavor and hints of creamy almond butter. These healthy peach oatmeal cups pack plenty of fiber and protein for a wonderful breakfast or afternoon snack. Dairy free, easily gluten free, naturally sweetened and freezer-friendly, too!


  • ½ cup creamy almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons melted and cooled coconut oil
  • 2 eggs, at room temperature
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any dairy free milk of choice)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt

    October Victory Garden Sale

    10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
    Walnut Butter - Alive and Organic

    Living Tree Community Foods Organic Walnut Butter is created in Berkeley, California from raw organic walnuts grown by American family farmers. We make it by slicing raw walnuts into a luxurious spread then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Try it on apple slices or carrot sticks, with some raisins and honey drizzled on top.

    Black Sesame Tahini – Alive and Organic

    Living Tree Community Foods Organic Black Sesame Tahini is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw organic black sesame seeds grown by family farmers. We make it by slicing raw black sesame seeds into a luxurious spread then adding organic black sesame oil. An excellent source of calcium.

    Living Tree Community Foods Raw Organic Tibetan Black Barley is provided by Oregon Grain & Bean, with this crop grown on an organic farm in Idaho. Tibetan Black Barley, with its bran intact, retains its firm, plump texture during cooking, making it perfect in soups, stuffings and stews. It’s also great when mixed with other grains due to its somewhat chewy, contrasting texture.

    New! Items For October

    Living Tree Community Foods Raw, Organic and Kosher California Greek Heritage Extra Virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. It is cold-pressed from Koroneiki olives, a Greek varietal. We invite you to rejoice in its hints of green banana and floral notes. A peppery finish to top it off and you have oil with unparalleled flavor for rich dishes, as well as being perfect for vinaigrette’s and marinades.

    It has a high available biophenol content: 459 Mg/Kg (milligrams per kilogram). High phenolic content and excellent stability should provide long shelf life as well as beneficial health value.

    California Almond Flour (Blanched) – Alive & Organic

    Living Tree Community Foods organic blanched almond flour is produced from raw and alive nonpareil almonds grown by the Koretoff family, California family farmers of five generations. Rejoice in its moist, oily aliveness. What wonderful alive cookies and cakes you will make! Combine with honey, chopped dates and raisins for an alive pie shell. You’ll think of many other creative uses!

    Living Tree Community Foods organic and fair trade French Roast Coffee is a blend of Central and South American coffees roasted dark to produce ebony black beans and a smoky aroma. It is slightly sweet with a clean aftertaste. Medium body. Dark roast.

    Roasted in Berkeley, CA

    Living Tree Community Foods Organic Refined Avocado Oil is low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated fats making it both healthy and multi-functional. Traditionally refined avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points of any cooking oil. This versatility combined with its neutral flavor and healthy fat profile makes it a popular option with chefs and home cooks.

    Video: Composting 101: Stupid-Easy Compost Making in Piles & Bins by Pure Living For Life