Newsletter - September 12, 2023

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Video: Juicing a Watermelon, Exemplifying Aliveness

Dear brothers and sisters,

Why not exemplify a  aliveness by juicing a watermelon? Why not?! That's right-  not just the bright red flesh but the rind as well. A watermelon in its entirety! It makes a vital and alive juice-an utter delight.

On sale this week is our Macadamia Butter. We offer $3 off. It is made from organic Hawaiian macadamias and is richly fulfilling.

Then Ben Vanheems, our favorite gardener, guides us in tasks to do in September  in our Victory Garden. First, he  by shows how simple it is to propagate new plants from your existing strawberry bed. Then he encourages us to save our own seeds – this is particularly easy with beans, tomatoes peppers and lettuce. Then he clears growing beds of old crops and adds compost to get ready for a planting of Swiss chard that will yield greens throughout the winter and into early spring. He exhorts us to sew a cover crop or a green manure- this could be mustard greens, rye or field beans. Mung beans are outstanding in this regard.
Ben’s combination of expertise and enthusiasm is an inspiration for us all.

Our  Victory Garden Sale, this month, includes Zinc Cantata, Selenium Sonata. A combination of alive, organic nuts and seeds, high in zinc and selenium. Then there is Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter-starting with almonds grown by California family farmers, we’ve added Oregon grown hazelnuts and our organic dark chocolate. Our  Sliced Almonds lend themselves to so many uses. Imagine combining them with coconut chips, ground walnuts and chopped dates as a crust for an alive pie.

We offer these at 10% off.

Next we present Five Epic Earth Healing Projects. On a grand scale they deal with biodiversity loss, water shortages, land degradation and deforestation.Here are a series a projects in India, Zimbabwe and China that have utilized the principles of permaculture to transform vast areas to stabilize the climate, restore the water tables, restore the forest and bring about an abundance of food.This calls to mind the surmise of a mighty thinker that mankind never sets itself a problem it cannot solve.

Next, we are honored to commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of Alfred Russel Wallace. He was a profound student of the natural realm. Darwin credited him as the co-discoverer of evolution.But whereas Darwin’s concept of natural selection and “survival of the fittest” was in some ways a projection of commerce in the Victorian epoch, Wallace gave evolution a limited role in a larger scheme wherein life was the result of the intention and design of a universal intelligence.

Finally, Will Harlow, an Over-fifties, Specialist Physiotherapist demonstrates 7 exercises, adapted for seniors, for building stronger knees.

May we wish you and family an alive, organic  summer of good health, prosperity and success,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: Garden Checklist: 12 Tasks You Need to do in September by GrowVeg

September Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Zinc Cantata Selenium Sonata is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic nuts and seeds high in zinc and selenium. Featuring brazil nuts, a selenium rich nut; almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, a zinc rich food; sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The flavors of the nuts and seeds are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and a touch of organic maple sugar. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Hazelnut Chocolate Almond Butter is created in Berkeley, California from a combination of alive, raw organic nuts and dark chocolate. Starting with almonds grown by California family farmers, we’ve added Oregon grown hazelnuts and our organic dark chocolate. The flavors of the butter are accentuated by our organic Hawaiian Native Forest Honey and pink crystal salt. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture.

Sliced Almonds – Alive & Organic

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic sliced almonds are made from almonds grown by California family farmers. Imagine tossing alive, organic sliced almonds into your salad or as a topping on alive pies and desserts. How about sprinkling on alive soups and green drinks?

80% of the world’s almonds are grown in California’s Central Valley. It is bounded to the east by the towering Sierras and to the west by the coastal mountain range. Its rich, alluvial soil is wondrously fertile. This great plain is a sea of white in February, when the almonds blossom. The orchards are irrigated by water from melting snow high in the Sierras.

Video: 5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects! by Andrew Millison

For Labor Day: Alfred Russel Wallace, Scientist and Working Man

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We hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend. While you are carefully putting away all your white clothing until next summer, take a moment to consider the impact of labor on the development of evolutionary theory.

That’s right, the two founders of evolutionary theory, Wallace and Darwin, came from very different backgrounds. Alfred Russel Wallace, whose thought receives an accessible treatment in the book Intelligent Evolution: How Wallace’s World of Life Challenged Darwinism, would later become a premature proponent of what we now call intelligent design. Unlike Darwin, Wallace grew up among the middle class and had to work for a living. This dictated the contours of his life and research. Charles Darwin came from family money.

Assessing Wallace’s Impact

Watch the video below for a brief take on the impact of this difference from our friend and colleague, the historian Michael Flannery. Wallace did his collecting, leading to his own formulation of evolutionary thinking, because his livelihood urgently depended on it. Darwin felt no such pressure. So what? As we’ve explained before:

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Video: 7 Best Exercises to Strengthen Knees (for 55+) by HT Physio